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  • Mars Miner 1.2

    Every so often, we like to go back to some older games and have a second look at them. Especially those that have been updated or revised recently. The multi-award winning title, Mars Miner by Retro Style Games is such a game. They have given it a much needed update this last summer addressing a major issue with the game's compression routines on 64-bit Windows platforms. They game was made with Delphi.

    The bug has been fixed and many people can now play that game once more using their newer Windows system. Also they have made some further difficulty balance changes, changed their game protection mechanism and various other small fixes.

    There is a free trial version of the game and they have also updated the price of the full version. You can get it for only $9.99 USD now.

    Go check out the new version of Mars Miner over at www.retrostylegames.com!

    Mars Miner Gameplay Video
    Comments 1 Comment
    1. chronozphere's Avatar
      chronozphere -
      That's just great. Me likes bomberman.