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  • 2-Part Podcast: Allen Bauer on New versions of Delphi

    Jim McKeeth has just recently posted a 2-part episode (44 & 45) on the Delphi.org Podcast which is an interview with Allen Bauer, the Chief Scientist at Embacadero. In the episodes, they talk about the company, 64-bit Delphi, Delphi on the Mac, a bit of his history with Borland and even Delphi on other platforms.

    This is probably one of the best sources of information about what you can expect from Delphi over the next year. I highly recommend anyone interested in Delphi's future give this a full listen. The total run time is about 1 hour and 54 minutes.

    Episode 44 - Allen talks mostly about 64-bit Delphi
    Episode 45 - Allen answers questions about other platforms and Delphi on Mac

    Check it out while it's currently on PGD's front page or go to www.delphi.org!
    Comments 1 Comment
    1. chronozphere's Avatar
      chronozphere -
      I've listened to the first part and I must say that these podcasts are quite interesting.

      They explain how the compiler handles different cases internally and how that leads to problems when transitioning to a 64bit architecture. They also talk about parts of the language that need to be ditched in order to move forward.

      I believe that they should drop "goto" and "absolute" because they are obviously outdated. Those are the first things non-pascal developers will laugh about when they hear the language still lives, so we'd better get rid of those. It's difficult ofcourse, because there's still code relying on it.

      Hope we'll be seeing more solid and safe 64bit delphi products appear this year.