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  • Do a Little Scripting with Lysee

    A brand new scripting engine written entirely in Pascal. Lysee is a recursive acronym for Lysee Script Engine. It's told to be able to run on the same platforms that Delphi, Free Pascal and Lazarus all do. It's easy to use, open source and licensed under the BSD style licence.

    Directly from the website, it is described as follows:

    "Lysee is a small, fast, reliable and cross platform script language. Its interpreter is a standalone program. Lysee kernel is used to be embedded into Pascal programs as a critical mission controller and script the host. Lysee script can be embedded into HTML to develop active WEB sites."

    Check out Lysee at www.lysee.net.
    Comments 4 Comments
    1. Stoney's Avatar
      Stoney -
      The www.lysee.net - link isn't working for me. But there is a Google Code project page here: http://code.google.com/p/lysee/. I like this scripting language, it's a bit like Python, but unfortunately I haven't found an example on how to embed Lysee into an application.
    1. Brainer's Avatar
      Brainer -
      Quote Originally Posted by Stoney View Post
      The www.lysee.net - link isn't working for me. But there is a Google Code project page here: http://code.google.com/p/lysee/. I like this scripting language, it's a bit like Python, but unfortunately I haven't found an example on how to embed Lysee into an application.
    1. Stoney's Avatar
      Stoney -
      Quote Originally Posted by Brainer View Post
      One small problem though: I can't access this site, it seems some sites from China are blocked here in Germany (or by my provider).

      EDIT: Never mind, I found the manual in the SVN repository.
    1. chronozphere's Avatar
      chronozphere -
      This is pretty cool.

      Still, I think most people will first try to integrate python or lua into their applications because those are very commonplace. Non-programmers who want to use the application may get scared by seeing a strange scripting language they don't know.
      On the other hand, it's perfect for your own use, and it shouldn't be that hard to learn for the users of your application.

      I may give it a shot if I need such a thing. Would be nice to see if it's easier to integrate than e.g Lua.