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  • glCapsViewer 0.5

    Sascha Willems has created a new tool that allows you to see a report of the OpenGL capabilities up to version 4.1 of your devices hardware. It currently supports Windows and Linux with other ports coming soon. One of the key features of this tool is that it now supports a database which you can upload reports to and read it and others online. This tool with it's reporting capabilities will not only help you get the most out of your hardware, but also enable you to predict what others will have or not have for OpenGL hardware functions as well.

    The application was originally developed with Delphi, but was also ported over to Linux using Free Pascal. The DelphiGL OpenGL 4.1 headers were used as well. The glCapsViewer OpenGL capabilities database site was written with PHP and data is stored on a MySQL server. You can contribute to this project yourself by downloading and trying the glCapsViewer and sending a report to the database.

    Learn more of what you can see and try out glCapsViewer at www.saschawillems.de.

    Even without the glCapsViewer you can look up reports sent to the database at www.delphigl.de/glcapsviewer.

    News Source: PGD Forums