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  • TKinect is now GeNUI

    Simon J Stuart's renewed Kinect for Windows and Xtion PRO Live hardware support library finally has it's new name. GeNUI is it and it stands for General Natural User Interface. Seems appropriate enough. The new version of this exciting library also supports Delphi and newly added Free Pascal and Lazarus support. Platforms supported will include Windows 32/64, Linux 32/64 and Mac OS X once the PrimeSense SDK is updated to include Mac OS X.

    Hold off on the excitement for a bit though as it will take some time for such a project to come together. You can however help if you are an owner of either of the hardware listed above and are will to pitch in for testing.

    More information about the GeNUI library can be read at Simon's blog at www.simonjstuart.com.

    Blaise Pascal Magazine February 2012