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  • RemObjects Radio goes On-Air

    Not long ago, I mentioned RemObjects had just released their Video portal called RemObjects TV full of tutorials and presentations of their products. Well they have just finally announced their RemObjects Radio podcast on their site and created a page to provide access for listening, downloading and subscribing via iTunes.

    Their latest podcast was a special combined podcast chat during Delphi Tage between RemObjects Radio and Delphi.org in Berlin Germany with several personalities including David I. from Embarcadero, Sebastian Gingter of RemObjects, Daniel Magin of Delphi Experts, Jim McKeeth for RemObjects, Marc Hoffman of RemObjects, Arvid Winkelsdorf from the Indy Core Team and others including Daniel Wolf who runs Delphi PRAXiS and organizer of Delphi Tage.

    Check out the latest episode at www.remobjects.com/radio.