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  • Children of Chill in Development

    A new game called Children of Chill and is in development by a Russian game developer known as Igroman on the DelphiGL forums. The game's engine is called the INightEngine developed with Delphi and uses DGL's OpenGL for graphics, Newton Dynamics for physics, cool Alpha Controls components for the interface, Lua for scripting and the XML parser originally made by XProger. They are considering making use of the translated OpenCL headers for their game engine as well.

    The game will be a single First Person Shooter, similar to games like Silent Hill and Half-Life and it's story will be based off the writings of the popular author Ilya Masodova. It will be a mystical story of an abandoned camp and an extinct village of strange girls who kill at a distance and detectives who have arrtived to investigate this group of suspected super-humans.

    Development Screenshots

    Demonstration of Physics

    You can read the source post to learn more about it's development at www.delphigl.com or if you understand Russian you can also check out their team's web blog at blog.strangeletgames.com! They also have a YouTube Channel showing test videos of their game's engine at www.youtube.com.
    Comments 2 Comments
    1. code_glitch's Avatar
      code_glitch -
      Or for any lazy people like me, see the google translate page:


      and that is some mighty impressive work there. Nice hunting as always there WILL.
    1. farcodev's Avatar
      farcodev -
      3d work is very good, it seems to be a load of work o.O