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  • Develop on iPhone 4 with Turbo Pascal?

    Chris Bensen, a senior software engineer at Embarcadero noticed a new app on Apple's App Store called iDOS, which is a DOS emulator for the iPhone. So as curious as he was, he took a look into the Borland museum and pulled out a copy of Turbo Pascal 5.5 and gave it a try. Funny enough, it worked! The only thing that didn't work was the debugger, which is find of a killer if you did try developing anything with it.

    Not long after the fun little Turbo Pascal trial, the iDOS emulator was quickly pulled from approval. Go to www.engadget.com to read the story on the iDOS pull.

    This isn't really a serious platform for development anyways, DOS' day has come and gone a long time ago and you can do a lot more with other tools as it is, but it was fun to see this as possible. Thanks for the memory Chris!

    You can visit Chris Bensen's blog at chrisbensen.blogspot.com.