I think there is one crucial thing that Relfos forgot to do in his initial post and thats post this video.

It gives a good preview of what game mechanics it boasts. This is what the game engine can do, not just display graphics and playback music. Anybody can make their own framework. I can see applications for platformer/puzzle gameplay using a Zelda-style perspective view. That said, what game engines give you this kind of functionality, built-in for free?

This trailer alone makes a strong case, for me to consider using it for a Garland's Quest game. Considering the kind of world and game play I want for my own game series. (in the planning stages, I have to release the first game before all that)

Again I'd ask... what are the list of features that would come with said engine? I'm more interested in game mechanics than mere graphics and sound specs. Though OpenGL, OpenAL and SDL would be nice. I know it'll work for iOS(fixes required) which means I could port to Windows and OS X easily in the future.