First, I'd like to thank everybody for the comments!

Quote Originally Posted by WILL View Post
I plan to make a front page news announcement of this soon. Any new examples or videos of the new features? (native GUI framework/WYSIWYG designer)
In Asphyre package there are examples that show new features: FullScreenApp uses one or two monitors for full-screen rendering, BasicGUI shows new GUI and setting letter pair displacing, BasicDX11 shows how to use DX11, CustomEffects how to use shaders, etc. There are other examples in their respective folders for iOS and Mac OS (FireMonkey).

Unfortunately, I am still in a hurry adding content. There are still several articles to publish on wiki, such as installation steps for iOS, Asphyre's architecture and so on. Yesterday I've added a new example of using password-protected archives.

There is also a bug in FPC 2.5.x compiler distributed by Embarcadero (using Delphi XE 2 for iOS) when generating ARM code, which I will document so people can avoid it. The workaround is quite simple. Hopefully the bug gets fixed in new FPC releases and/or when Embarcadero provides their own ARM compiler.

In addition, there are few immediate updates planned. One is to remove DLL dependencies from DX11 provider (which is the only provider that needs external DLLs) by using raw shaders instead of effect framework, another is to add 3D support for iOS since both CPU and GPU on iOS devices such as iPhone 4 and iPad are sufficiently powerful to handle it.