Oh and feel free to include some illustrations, clip art and even graphs and diagrams to go with your article too. These really help speed me along if I have existing graphical stuff to throw in with it right there. Otherwise I have to go searching for appropriate things to put in with the text it's self to make it more than a wall of text. It's a magazine after all, right?

Oh and please please please include a small picture of yourself with your article that I can use to show the author. However I do understand that some people are camera-shy so in such a case an avatar would suffice, but please do consider the photo first.

You may have noticed that I have been throwing my ugly mug up on the magazine and on other community media. It really does help to "put a face" to all the community things we are doing. That it's realy people and not just a bunch of kooky Pascal Zealots with their programming propaganda.

I await more of your great articles and code bits...