Quote Originally Posted by code_glitch View Post
chronozosphere: Arduino or ATMega based AVRs? Or are you in the picaxe scene? Thoe arduino and ATMega combination is brilliant and their wired base c style compiler is probably the only c relative I can stand... I believe there is a pascal compiler somewhere on the net for AVRs but since wired and C make a decent combo I never bothered.
Right now I'm programming an ATTiny chip, but I've got 2 ATmega's here too. Just figuring out the basics (blinking leds, PWM, using RS232 serial ports). My end goal is to drive a touchscreen using a microcontroller. Best thing is that I borrowed all the equipment from a friend, so I didn't have to invest anything.
I also think C is good enough for this. The programs are very small, so they are easy to understand, even in C, so it's simply not worth the effort to do it in pascal. There is a lot of material on C AVR programming so it's the easiest way to go.