Well if you've already gotten near competition of your article then I guess the point it practically moot. However don't make this a common practice or you may find the results disappointing so you put lots of effort into writing only to get little reaction to them.

Smaller bites are easier to consume than the much larger ones. As is with articles and their scope.

Right now for an article tally I have only 3 in my folder:

How to start making a Boulder Dash like game - from Paul Nichols (Not sure if it was complete or just a draft?)
Compiler Directives for Working with Muliple Files - from Super Vega
Playing with Pointers - Methods, Procedures & WinAPI - from Patryk "Brainer" Nusbaum

Am I missing one of yours? If so then please send it to contact@pascalgamer.com in case I've accidentally misplaced it. I will have another look around for it. I need them in some kind of odt or doc format to work with them (editing / formatting) locally on my system.