Hey everyone!

Just a little update for you all. Things are looking better than ever with the development of PGD. Members will have a lot to look forward to when we finally go live. Even though it's been a year we are still doing business as usual.

You'll notice that the Delphi Gamer news items are rolling in quite consistantly aswell. We could however use your help with keeping the site more active as I have noticed a slight decline in activity within the forums.

Keep posting, nothing will be missing or gone when we switch over to the new site. That is the promise I made from day 1 of the PGD project and I will keep it. All news posts from Delphi Gamer and message forums and posts from DGDev will be transfered to the new PGD site.

The date rolls closer and closer as Traveler and I work quickly to get the rest of the new site completed. And I'm quite sure you'll love it.