Hi there , I am a python programmer that is not new to pascal. My introduction to pascal was around 1995 where out of frustration with C++ and MFC I found Delphi and fall in love with it until I found python the last 2 years.

My latest project is a visual coding environment / language currently distributed as a blender add-on that can be found here -> https://github.com/kilon/Ephestos.

My previous project was again python and blender add-on that was capable of making random materials and textures in python with fine control over the randomization that can be found here -> http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Ex...ts/System/Gyes

My interest to free pascal has been triggered by the fact that I want something to speed up my python and as you might have guessed it I am no fan of C/C++. I am also considering making the standalone version of my application completely in free pascal. I think my project is related to games since its aimed as a tool for general coding with focus on graphics and audio/music. I am here to learn and ask questions and offer my expertise on python matters or blender.