I'm a Software Engineer at Spain that grow loving C and making my own non published games, until I found Delphi at work. Fistly I hate that so simple and stupid language, C and his pointer magic seemed to be awesome and unbeatable.
Currently I love Object Pascal, love its strict syntax and strict type checking and hate C (and derivates) with tis obscure syntax and lot of holes related to pointer magic. I also love how fast object pascal compiles, we have a commercial business project (DelphiXE) with about 500k rows and around more that 250 files compiles in less than 10 seconds!
I started to doing my personal project with FPC around a a year ago, after trying almost anything, like Java (to target Android), Haxe (awesome powerfull language but I dont like that its syntax is very error prone and obscure with macros), C++ (years ago), C# ...

And after all this language switching ... all I can say is : I love Object Pascal.
There is only one thing I miss on FPC, and is function generics like Java:
public <T extends TMyClass> function SetManager(T manager);
public <T extends TMyClass> function GetManager(Class<T> managerClass);

I need this to port Artemis to Object Pascal, and I don't know how to circunvent this issue.

BUT this is another issue, just hello from Spain!