You can download the current version from my Skydrive - (Win32): D52E!178&parid=BBF7F0CD6062D52E!176&authkey=!AOj2J 0kJHEuj1eE

Some features were implemented:
- Auto indentation;
- Like Lifepower said before, the automatic closing block "end";

Features to be implemented:
- Browser for general issues(class/variables/procedures/functions);
- Auto complement(To make the prodoction faster - you will need just create the prototype of a procedure/function, and then, the full body of the function will be automatically created);
- Two options of window border
The standard(Windows border style);
The custom(the border style you see in the screenshots);

I want to know what do you think. Where should I put the Brower(left side(embbed with the "manager") or right side of the screen);

Please, test it. I don't know if any DLL will be needed. I need to know if it worked correctly on your computers.