The conversation becomes religious when people start to take things to the heart and personally. I think everyone should be aware that it's just a conversation between developers, to help each other with advice and share opinions; it is not an award/diploma/social_status/recognition contest.

In certain occasions I've mentioned Unskilled and Unaware article, but it wasn't to say that someone's stupid, but because it's an interesting read and a useful study that says that we should be careful, especially in areas where we feel more confident in. It has numerous applications, not only in programming, but in life in general: in economy, politics, sports, car driving, gaming and even women!

Procedural approach has its uses, especially in low-level frameworks, and I was not trying to prove that OOP is an answer to everything. However, while developing typical applications, starting from hello world and ending with large enterprise software, OOP is typically used. In fact, some languages would not allow you to work otherwise: C#, for instance, is very class-driven and working strictly procedural can be difficult.

I've seen people, especially those who grew in Fortran age, to incline more into procedural ways and be wary of any modern programming techniques and tools. I myself have worked in procedural and even in assembler quite a lot, but I think you shouldn't fear to leave your comfort zone and try to learn something new. Who knows, you might even have some fun.