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Thread: GameVision

  1. #11

    GameVision 2 SDK - BETA 1

    [ RELEASE ]
    GameVision 2 SDK - BETA 1

    This is the first public release of the GameVision SDK. Its feature complete and can easily create any type of 2D game with D3D for rendering. GameVision 1.x powered our game FreeStrike (

    GV is not component based. You have to manually add the units for a feature that you want to use. I designed it to be easy to use, robust and feature rich and should be easy to use in your projects.

    * Delphi 7 Pro or higher ( lower versions will follow )
    * DirectX 8.1b runtime
    * Direct3D compliant 3D video card
    * DirectSound compliant audio card (optional)

    * Put the Runtime DLLs in the path and the DCP files in the Delphi path.
    * Create a new project
    * Check "build with packages" replace the packages with the GameVision package.
    * Add the GVActor, GVApp, GVAudio, GVGraphics, GVInput, GVMath, GVUI,
    GVUtils and GVTools to your uses section as needed.
    * See the [docs] and [tutorial] folders for more info on how to use.

    NOTE: More examples and documentation will follow.

    [ FEATURES ]
    * DirectX8.1 for 2D rendering
    * Delphi 7 (only D7 at the moment, BPL based)
    * OOP
    * Graphics ( enum, mode selection, lines, rects, render states, sprite manager )
    * Sprites ( load from disk or zip rez file, use one image or many images per texture,
    angle, scaling, render states, render a rect of the texture )
    * Textured fonts ( true type, build, save, load, print, center )
    * Audio ( sfx, streaming mp3, channel management )
    * Input ( input context, device press/release/hit)
    * GUI ( flexible menuing system )
    * Actor ( actor, scene management )
    * Math ( vectors, line intersection, sin/cos table, angles )
    * App ( app window creation, event management system )
    * Resources ( standard zipfile resources, configuration management )
    * Various common utility routines
    * Much more

    * Plug-in support
    * Scripting support
    * AI system
    * Comprehensive docs, demos and tuts

    [ DOWNLOAD ] (3.5MB)

    [ SUPPORT ]
    * - JDS website
    * GameVision forum: (more info about release)
    * - support email

    You are free to you GV for your own projects. In exchange, help me to
    make it better with your feedback, suggestions and bug reports.

    If you would like to contribute a demo and/or tutorial, contact us. I encourage you to use the GameVision forum at our website for community support.

    [ EULA ]
    GameVision(tm) Game Application Framework, tools and tutorials
    are Copyright Ac 1994-2003 Jarrod Davis Software.

    You may not reverse engineer, or claim GameVision or it's tools as your
    own work. You are hereby granted the right to use GameVision and it's
    tools to produce your own applications without giving us any credit or
    paying us any money.

    You may redistribute GameVision, provided that the archive remain
    intact. All files of the original distribution must be present!

    This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
    warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
    arising from the use of this software.

    If you have further legal questions, please mail
    Best Regards
    <br />
    <br />Jarrod Davis,
    <br />Jarrod Davis Software
    <br />

  2. #12



  3. #13


    Things added since BETA 1 release:

    [ GVGraphics Unit ]
    GVImage allows you to display a full size image such as 640x480 using the 3D hardware. You specify the tile size such as 256 and it will break the image up into appropriate sized textures suitable for rendering. It will then stitch them back together displaying the full image rendered in hardware.

    GVPolygon is a flexible 2D polygon class. You can define as many line segments as you desire and using the line drawing routine from the rendering class, link the segment to display a polygon. You can get the number of segment, which segments are visible (on or off). The polygon can also scaled and rotated.

    GVMovieRecord makes use of video for windows to create a .AVI of your application. Currently there is no sound support.

    [ GVTools Unit ]
    GVExeVersionInfo gives version info about your EXE file.

    GVGuess will try and pick the correct number between min/max.

    GVuniqueRandNum will return a unique random number.

    GVMotion allows smooth acceleration/deceleration of an object

    function GV_Http_Get(Url: string): string;
    GV_Http_Get allows you to pass in a URL string to a server and it waits and returns the response string.

    procedure GV_DrawGauge(Render: TGVRender; X, Y: Integer; Width,
    Height, Value, MaxValue: Single; FColor, BColor: Cardinal);
    GV_DrawGauge renders a rectangle 2 color gauge on your display.

    function GV_RemoveSpaces(S: string): string;
    GV_RemoveSpace will remove all spaces in the passed string and return to you the new string.

    function GV_FrameTimeElapsed(var Timer: Single; Frames, ElapsedTime: Single): Boolean;
    GV_FrameTimeElapsed allows you to do timing based on elapsed time.

    function GV_LoadFont(BaseName: string; RezFile: TGVRezFile; Render: TGVRender): TGVFont;
    GV_LoadFont is a convenient shell around the TGVFont class.
    Best Regards
    <br />
    <br />Jarrod Davis,
    <br />Jarrod Davis Software
    <br />

  4. #14


    Oops... some how the GameVision.bpl was missing from the archive. This has been fixed and a new archive zipped and placed on the server: (4.6MB)

    I will create a new build with the added features above after I have tested them more.
    Best Regards
    <br />
    <br />Jarrod Davis,
    <br />Jarrod Davis Software
    <br />

  5. #15


    I uploaded the start of what will become comprehensive documentation for GV: (194KB)

    Its in its infancy and mainly outlines the classes, types and constants. It will improve over time. The SDK has also been updated with the latest additions including the help file.
    Best Regards
    <br />
    <br />Jarrod Davis,
    <br />Jarrod Davis Software
    <br />

  6. #16


    [ RELEASE ]
    GameVision 2 SDK - BETA 1 Update #2

    [ HISTORY ]
    (Update #2)
    * GameVision.dll replaces D3DX81ab.dll and zlib.dll
    * Added object streaming support
    * Added plug-in support.
    * Added plug-in demo
    * Fixed memory leak in demo programs and added more comments
    * Cleaned up the SDK
    * New classes:
    GVPlugIn - base plugin class
    GVStream - base stream class
    GVStreamObject - all streamable objects must be derived
    GVCompressedFileStream - store file data in compressed form
    * New Member Routines:
    Stream_IsObjectRegistered - check if object is registered with the
    stream system
    Stream_LoadObject - dynamiclly load object from stream
    Stream_LoadString - load a string from a stream
    Stream_RegObject - register object with stream system
    Stream_SaveObject - store object onto a stream
    Stream_SaveString - save a string onto a stream
    * New Routines:
    GV_PlugIn_LOadDLL - loads a plugin DLL into memory
    GV_PlugIn_UnloadDLL - frees loaded plugin DLL
    GV_PlugIn_Create - creats an instance of a plugin from the
    loaded DLL

    [ DOWNLOAD ] (~5MB) (~200KB)
    Best Regards
    <br />
    <br />Jarrod Davis,
    <br />Jarrod Davis Software
    <br />

  7. #17

    GameVsion SDK 2.0 Release

    [ RELEASE ]
    GameVision SDK 2.x

    The GameVision SDK is feature complete and can easily create
    any type of 2D game with D3D for rendering. GameVision 1.x
    powered our game FreeStrike (

    GV was designed to be easy to use, robust and feature rich
    and should be easy to use in your projects.

    [ HISTORY ]
    Initial release

    * Delphi 7 Pro or higher
    * DirectX 8.1b runtime
    * Direct3D compliant 3D video card
    * DirectSound compliant audio card (optional)

    * Put GameVision.dll, GameVision.bpl in the system path and the DCP
    files in the Delphi path.
    * Create a new project
    * Check "build with packages" replace the packages with the GameVision
    * Add the GV units to your uses section as needed.
    * See the [docs] and [samples] folders for more info on how to use.

    [ FEATURES ]
    * DirectX8.1 for 2D rendering
    * Delphi 7 Pro or higher
    * OOP
    * Audio ( Sfx, MP3, music player)
    * App ( app window, file logging, exeption handling, framerate control, object streaming)
    * Graphics ( mode enum, primatives, render state management, texture, font, sprite, images, movie rec )
    * Input ( input device, input context)
    * Math ( vector, angle, line intersection)
    * Plugin (plug dll management )
    * Resources ( streaming, resource file, configuration )
    * System ( base object, varient data )
    * Tools ( handy classes and routines )
    * UI ( flexable menuing system )
    * Utils ( common routines used throught the sdk )
    * Documentation ( compiled html help )
    * Much more

    * Scripting support
    * AI system
    * comprehensive docs, demos and tuts

    [ DOWNLOAD ] (~5MB) (~200KB)

    [ SUPPORT ]
    * - JDS website
    * - GameVision forum
    * - support email

    You are free to you GV for your own projects. In exchange, help us to
    make it better with your feedback, suggestions and bug reports.

    If you would like to contribute a demo and/or tutorial, contact us. We
    encourage you to use the GameVision forum at our website for community

    [ EULA ]
    GameVision(tm) Game Application Framework, tools and tutorials
    are Copyright Ac 1994-2003 Jarrod Davis Software.

    You may not reverse engineer, or claim GameVision or it's tools as your
    own work. You are hereby granted the right to use GameVision and it's
    tools to produce your own applications without paying us any money. We
    do require that you acknowledge us in your application's credits and/or
    documentation. An acceptable statement can be such as:

    "<application name> created with the GameVision Game Application
    framework developed by Jarrod Davis Software.
    You may redistribute GameVision, provided that the archive remain
    intact. All files of the original distribution must be present!

    Media used in the demos, tutorials and tools are copyright Jarrod Davis
    Software and may not be used for any purpose.

    This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
    warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
    arising from the use of this software.

    If you have further legal questions, please mail
    Best Regards
    <br />
    <br />Jarrod Davis,
    <br />Jarrod Davis Software
    <br />

  8. #18

    Our Servers....


    We had to add more security measures to our internet servers (web, mail, fp) as someone hacked us. ARRG! Now we need to make sure everyone can access the site and download the files successfully. Please let us know if you experience any problems.

    Man, viruses, hacking, when will it end? - web - ftp - email
    Best Regards
    <br />
    <br />Jarrod Davis,
    <br />Jarrod Davis Software
    <br />

  9. #19


    I'm getting no joy. IE says it's opening the web page, but that's all. IE does not like the FTP either, but DOS FTP is fine. D'oh, now it's not allowing me to FTP in DOS either. Only 3 concurrent sessions allowed from the same IP, even though I have closed all attempted or open sessions.

  10. #20



    Thanks for checking this for me. I just changed a few settings, see if you can get in now.

    Thanks man.
    Best Regards
    <br />
    <br />Jarrod Davis,
    <br />Jarrod Davis Software
    <br />

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