Eheheh that screenshots look too cool! We've a nice castle, and we can easily build rooms etc. in that way. Looking forward for it!

About the smooth issue, i've found what it is: it's about normals. It seems that in blender even if you set the solid (flat) style, it still has smooth normals, so i think it probably uses face normal instead of vertex normals when rendering. So it should suffice to do the same on our program..
Also, one can change the default OpenGl shading model with glShadeModel(GL_FLAT); but this gives ugly results: it works by using the normal of a vertex for all vertex of a given triangle...
I'll try to correct the program (and the exporter) ASAP, in the meanwhile if you want to see how it whould be you can throw glShadeModel(GL_FLAT); somewhere in the code and look how it behaves.

Also, i've worked on the animation, in particular on Poses (which are the hard part). Soon we will be able to define poses in the editor.
I was thinking to add a menu where you can select on which pose to work, the first being the "static" pose. Such as:
So that you work on the pose you've selected.
Alternatively i thought of a mode switch between pose editing and model editing (handy when to add anim editing).