I like the idea! And if the graphics were like those posted by you, MSX then I'm sure it'll be great looking too. With a very likeable style theme.

If the game is true to the X-Com/UFO type of gameplay then I'd be most interested in palying it. I may even want to beta test for you. Are you planning a 3D engine or a 2D one?

Oh for projectile weaponry don't forget the good 'ole bow and of course the cross bow! You know what you could do for the whole R&D/buy-sell side of the game? If you replace the X-Com organization with a King's kingdom and he has sages(or wizemen) and craftsman... you can have the research and development side of things from a medival startup to a cros-breed of whoever your enemy is and the whole fantasy side of things.

ie. Lets say your enemy is aliens[size=9px](for the sake that they have evolved weaponry and if youwant ot include this this will be a explainable way how)[/size]... a bit primative, but enough that they can make their way to you planet to cause trouble. You can send a party of heroes to vanquish known enemy human kingdoms then as the game goes on... you eventually discover aliens. By this time you will have or should have a sizable empire going. You can then grow a party or parties of warriors/heroes that you can send you capture discover the aliens... and somehow capture them and their technology.

Maybe a way to interact with the aliens is to have them is to have a one-way trip in a crashing probe, since they only want to take over the planet, right? And the aliens comeout of it... your knights find these and have their wizemen examine them. This is where the R&D stuff comes in... but you already start with learning how to make advanced human tech stuff like cross-bows and muskets, etc... You can purchase arrows and swords for your armies, recruit basic trades like fighters, healers, mages and archers, but maybe also be able to research new classes through the R&D system. Same with armour and magic through sages.

Oooww... cool game! You know if youlike these ideas, maybe I can sign on as a story writter? Do up some story bits for it...