Yeah, I've been buying up backer rewards quite a bit myself lately. Just so many great projects this past year!

So far I've backed:
- FTL (game)
- Double Fine Adventure (game)
- Xenonauts (game)
- Esquiso Smart TV (android-based device)
- OUYA Gaming Console (game console)
- Castle Story (game)
- Multiplo (robotics kit!)
- Project Eternity (game)

So far my favorites are the OUYA, Double Fine Adventure, FTL and of course the Multiplo kits!

18 days left for the multiplo! It's a really great deal for what you're getting. Even if you want to buy the Arduino yourself, they make a super amazing kit that will take all the hardships of making your own robot project out of the whole process.

I would want to add my own way to have a LiIon battery pack and install a laptop harddrive for data access.