First test of the new yet slightly buggy light-pre-pass (a ka deferred lighting) render implementation including deferred shadowing. The GBuffer layout is at the moment:

RT0 (RGBA: r=normal-spheremap-x g=normal-spheremap-y ba=specularpower (the normal is stored in a spheremap transformed format, so normal-z can and will be reconstructed correctly from this transformatiion again, and the specular power is stored as a 16-bit (8.8bit) fixed point value)
RT1 (R32F): linear depth (for viewspace&worldspace position reconstruction later in other shaders)

Light prepass rendering is a really good and mostly easy to implement extension for a already modular and object oriented forward rendering render implementation, for to have the most benefits of the good known deferred shading idea as well, without the whole transparency problems of a plain deferred shading render.

And the shown maps in this video are reflux and rebound from QuakeLive.