Quote Originally Posted by Lightning
it doesn't even work with latest kernels 2.6.x, and those ugly big QT libs ...
I'm using it on my 2.6.8 kernel Just need to hack it a little..

Quote Originally Posted by Lightning
MSX do you have any ideea how hard it is to make a crossplatform IDE like Lazarus,
Yeah I't real hard.
But my idea was to implement only the 2 "big" features: debugging and code completition. For the first, it need only to interface with gdb (which is great), a thing that is already done in lazarus, and could possibly be extracted with some hack. For the second, it's a bit harder, but the sources of FPC includes (obviously) the parser and the scanner, so that one could do a code aware editor (with some job, of course). Also, if necessary, a ppu readed is included in the fpc sources as a separate program: ppudump.
All the rest is simply file handling, editing, settings etc. Easy (even if time-consuming) things to do.
What do you think ? (insults are welcome )