See, i told you Borland has bad ideeas lately, they officially stated that Kylix won't be upgraded at least until 2005, it doesn't even work with latest kernels 2.6.x, and those ugly big QT libs ...
They probably thought will convince people to use it if it looked like VS, Adobe, Macromedia, etc. IDE's, but i find floating forms easier to use.
When Macromedia upgraded Dreamweaver's IDE, you could chose wich version you like MX or old version.
Code collapse might be nice but it's not a must.
A developement ide should be floating not like a graphic ide, or at least you should be able to chose.

MSX do you have any ideea how hard it is to make a crossplatform IDE like Lazarus, have a look at it and it's code, BTW the Lazarus synedit is customised to work in Lazarus and isn't an official version from the synedit team so using it in another IDE is quite hard without the LCL.

Lazarus does work on Debian, but it seems Debian has some font problems, talk to other Debian users, and also get the latest sources/packages/installer since it has many bug fixes and you no longer need to rename for recompilation.
For small apps use the folowing:
strip --strip-all yourapp
upx --best yourapp
This compresses the win32 IDE(lazarus.exe) from 21 MB to 1.5 MB and projects are 3-500 KB big after compression.