Hey guys, what do you all think of the idea of having a sort of Game Jam style competition for the next one? No scoring and no judges. Would you still be up for it?

It's easy enough to come up with a great theme and some decent rules. Of course hosting all the games on the showcase site takes a little bit of time to gather up screenshots and such, but the biggest "challenge" in all of these competitions is finding people out there that are able and willing to play all the games objectively and score them individually. It does take that extra bit of effort, and usually that's what delays competition start times.

So without Scoring and Judges at all, we can still have an event take place for all those that want to take on a challenge as a community. The benefit, besides the obvious learning experience of starting and completing a project, would be that you get to show off your game in our great event showcase, but without the stress of scoring, having to match up with a specific system and so on.

I would open up the competition for ALL platforms so long as it's created with a Pascal-based developer tool.

What do you guys think? Are you all really aching for a new PGD Challenge event?