I don't think there are good enough engines out there yet, to say that we have something finished for most needs. We don't hear about those supposed engines being used or maintained even monthly.

And i do think alot about making games. Problem is i can't get the ideas worked out. Maybe cause i'm alone with my ideas? For instance:
Game 1) Huge 2D tilemap with world wrapping sideways, like Terraria clone. Map engine works fine, but i can't figure out the theme that i'd make game of. What characters, what tile graphics? I'm not an artist...

Game 2) Galaxy generated with 10000 stars, planets and random colonies. Sure, i can zoom in where i want in it and it all renders smoothly. Now what? It was supposed to be RTS, but figuring out how that plays out in action is much harder. Can you really manually control over 10 star systems, or even comprehend it visually... rotate camera a bit and you're lost in space. AI would be able to expand no problem, but you could not keep it in same sort of control.

Would you make it an RPG instead then? Random large empires occupying certain territories, player building his small and widening empire, or just explore and upgrade his ship. Would be massive work to make all the content, UI plans and game design. These things annoy me, you might understand

All in all, these 2 are certainly not the only ideas i've experimented with. I'm not satisfied with small games normally so not even trying them. I play many games in my spare time, if i want to make a game, it must top them in some ways. Lets say Half-Life 2 for example. It has good visuals, gameplay and story. But once campaign is complete, it's time to uninstall. That kind of games are easy to top off - make content that will never be the same each playthrough. Maybe it will never actually finish, like MineCraft. Building games in general have much potential, but that genre has only just began.

On some defence for nxPascal, it is enough of an engine already for me to stick to it, and make games with if i'd wish to do so. Edit3D that i'm working on is rather important too. There are no free modelling programs available at the moment, that would fit for real game making. 3DS - yeah right, not starting pirate discussion, rather not make games at all. Blender - whoever designed the controls was propably a lawyer.