Quote Originally Posted by kotai View Post
@End I use your headers and work OK in DelphiXE4 (I add it to sdl.inc) with WIN32 and WIN64 but not with OSX ("uses windows" error).
I change:
{$IFDEF Delphi}
     {$DEFINE Windows}

{$IFDEF Delphi}
     {$DEFINE Windows}
but is not enough for compile sdl.pas in OSX.
You plan to make it compatible with DelphiXE4 and OSX ?

I use last SDL2.dll download from libsdl.org (I change in sdl.pas SDL_LibName = 'SDL2.dll') and work fine. Not need use SDL2_x86.dll and SDL2_x86_x64.dll

You plan to make headers for SDL2_mixer ?
I convert SDL2_image, SDL2_net and SDL2_ttf from jedi-sdl and work OK, but SDL2_mixer not work .
SDL2_mixer generate an access violation in function Mix_LoadWAV_RW of SDL2_mixer.dll (same function in SDL_mixer.dll of SDL1.2 work ok)

In SDL2 not exist SDL_CreateThread and SDL_KillThread ? My games use SDL_Thread and I need to upgrade to SDL2

I've corrected the first mistake, XE4 should be supported now, thanks.

unfortunately i don't own any OSX Version, but i want to support it of course. May you send me your compiler output? Maybe you have to compile the libraries yourself on OSX, cause there was in the RC an bug...

I don't know when I translate the other SDL-Libs, but I'll do that if I finished the main SDL-Lib.

I've translated already Thread (see in the branch "thread") but i don't get it working on 32 Bit... it works only in 64 Bit :/

On 32 Bit I get an Access Violation, maybe is sth. wrong with the pointer sizes, i'm working on this...


And this _x86.dll Endings:

I've done this, cause i'm using many compilers, 32 and 64 Bit and I was tired of changing the Libnames