Our primary toolchain consists of:

1) Lazarus/FPC - primary native development
2) Notepad++ - primary text editor for code, data, html, xml, etc
3) Blender, 3D Coat - for 3D modeling
4) GIMP, Photoshop - for 2D art and texturing
5) GIT for version control and asset management backend
6) Jitsi and ejabberd for communications
7) Scribus and Art of Illusion for vector and paper markup.
PHPbb, Trac, and MediaWiki for project and document management and long-term communications.
9) Several internally-developed apps for things like time-tracking and asset management tracking.
10) OpenOffice for business/administrative needs.
11) SynthFont, Audacity for music/sound. We're also looking at Propellerhead Reason for composition when we get to that point (and get a real sound/music director rather than a dabbler ).

plus a number of ancillary tools depending on need.