Quote Originally Posted by kordal View Post
Hi, everybody! I ask for help with transfer of part of a code with C ++ on Delphi. Partially I translated, but I doubt correctness. Files I attach.
In advance, Many thanks!
Hi kordal!
While I might not be of help in translating the provided code (my knowldege od C is bad) I do recognize what code does. It I'm not mistaken the presented code is implementation of 4 octave based Perlin Noise algorithm which is used to proceduraly generate 2D cloud texture.
In the past I was playing some with Perlin Noise and I even found one Pascal implementation. I'm sorry but I don't have the link to it. The main reason for this is the fact that I decided to go and write my own implementation which would provide me with aditional postprocessing to get better results. But I haven't finished my implementation of the algorithm so I can't provide you with it either.
But what I can do is provide you with links to two web pages which decribe how perlin noise works in great detail so they might be of help to you.
There are several other pages on the web but theese two helped me the most.