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Thread: tstringlist (help plz, im a noob)

  1. #21

    tstringlist (help plz, im a noob)

    I'm currently having troubles with arrays and the scripting language stuff.
    I'm trying to create a command split into 3 parts. the first part is the type of command, the second is to which object, and the last is the variable that relates to the speed of the object. Can someone explain how arrays work, and to show how i can split a command into three parts?

  2. #22
    Legendary Member cairnswm's Avatar
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    Randburg, South Africa

    tstringlist (help plz, im a noob)

    An array is declared as follows:

    MyArray : Array[0..2] of String;[/pascal]

    To access (set or get) a value in the array

    So to set a value do
    MyArray[0] := 'William';
    MyArray[1] := 'Morgan';
    MyArray[2] := 'Cairns';

    Now to split a string into the array. There are a number of methods the easiest one (and the one I use all the time - which is why I consider it the easiest) is similar to how we split the command before

    [pascal]MyName := 'William Morgan Cairns';
    MyArray[0] := Copy(MyName,1,Pos(' ',MyName)-1);
    MyName := Copy(MyName,Pos(' ',MyName)+1,Length(MyName));
    MyArray[1] := Copy(MyName,1,Pos(' ',MyName)-1);
    MyName := Copy(MyName,Pos(' ',MyName)+1,Length(MyName));
    MyArray[2] := MyName;[/pascal]
    William Cairns
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