Quote Originally Posted by Darkhog View Post
I've figured out way to make sprite collisions. As I suspected, I'll use my TSprite class for that. Will need two sprites per chunk (one for blocks that just stop player and one for blocks that hurts him, like spikes) plus array of sprites for shootable blocks (will need to check for collision between bullet and any of those so I can remove them).
Why needing two sprites per chunk. Wouldn't it be better to just include additional information to a single sprite which would tell you what type it is.
At some point your would probably decide to include some AI controlled units. So would you use even more spites to determine their behaviro?

I belive it would be better to just derive the base sprite clss and add aditional information to it like is pasable, can be destroyed, its health, how much damage does it do. Combination of theese can be for instance even used for defining wall which would deal damage to the player oif it bumps into (spiked walls).