Potential sales? Oh please... If they can't afford to buy retail version, they wouldn't buy it anyway. Buying used game is better than pirating it (which by the way will increase when you can't buy used game and can't afford retail price). Dev won't get money anyway and it'll just hurt them in the long run.

This tactic is very short-sighted. If I'd want to buy console (which I don't have money for as I'm facing foreclosure) I'd choose Wii U. Not only because I love Mario games, but also because Nintendo seems happy to let players sell their own games or transfer ownership when they don't play them anymore. Otherwise they'd stop used Wii games ecosystem long time ago.

I personally, when I'll develop game for sale will release it on Torrents (besides demo version on site or paid option) and without any "funny" business like Game Dev Story fake. If my game is any good, people will buy it anyways. If not - well sucks to be me, but I won't never, I say NEVER blame piracy for that. Only my own incompetence as developer.