Ah... well I guess it might help to know what perspective the game will be seen and played.


Hopefully that sheds some light on why I have 4 fire buttons. The game is designed so that movement and firing in all 4 directions is possible in parallel.

I had thought of having mines a separate drop-able without the need to select it as you would any of the other weapons, but was unsure to what button to map it. Or if I just wanted to continue using them as the weapon you have to select to drop them. (These are of course on a very limited supply at the beginning of the game.)

As for the L2 and R2 triggers, these are meant to be toggles. They will allow you to throw ammo clips of your currently selected weapon and activate a combat dive on the run.

L2 + any O, U, Y or A button will allow you to throw your buddy in co-op mode a clip of ammo. Even on the run!

R2 + any cardinal direction on the LS or D-Pad will make the player speed boost into a combat dive. You can do this while already running or from stand-still.

I wasn't planning on getting into the gameplay mechanics so much here, but since you made the effort to help I felt obliged to do so. Your suggestions do make sense for a FPS of course and given the parallels to Subject 33's gameplay some elements are similar so some things will need to be used in a similar way.

Our plans are to create a "good" default and later allow players to customize the controls to their own personal tastes to some degree. LS, D-Pad O, U, Y and A are pretty much set in stone unless we have some kind of great idea that we can pull off. ie. Using RS to fire. But we've not tested that out yet so I'm not sure if it's even going to work mechanically.

What do you think about the shoulder buttons now? Would you prefer the weapon selection and the Dive/Throw toggles flipped? Or do you think that this may be something that is more "taster's choice"?