<table width=100%><tr><td class=newsContent valign=top align=justify>Well is looks like C5 Software has finally finished their new web site. Very impressive indeed! By the looks of the designs and new logos and banners they are now apparently going by the new name C5 Technology and with it, a new image.

Along with the redesign of their company site, they have also created and revamped their FutureScape site. With some newly sprused up graphics, it looks a heck of a lot cooler than before.

Thats not all! There is a new Alpha of FutureScape coming too...</td><td width=141 align=center valign=middle>[img]files/news/2005_07_31_futurescapebanner.png[/img]</td></tr></table>

You can visit C5 Technology at www.c5software.co.uk or goto futurescape.c5software.co.uk to read more about the upcoming Alpha release!