One thing about game making guide, is that it will have to bias itself on 1 graphics library that it will be written around. I saw that you are doing some basic console programming. Problem with that is, that any modern gaming theories don't have much in common with DOS age. Most you will learn is basic Pascal programming, using variables, types, maybe even a little object oriented programming.

If it is basic Pascal programming that you need to learn, then that is a good start, and there are many guides and books made especially for Delphi. When it comes to game programming, it is more of a uni-language topic, and you should expect to see some C++, Java, Python and other implementations of OpenGL, SDL (or DirectX). Unless skipping straight to use some ready game library, make some basic project with it, and in the process try to understand how the underlying engine works.

I read my OpenGL guides from C++ related sites mainly. But i had strong background on knowing Pascal for any programming tasks before that.