Quote Originally Posted by WILL View Post
Lets try to leave the other stuff out of it for this thread. I want to avoid this poll becoming yet another "big ball of hairy" like all these other Delphi/EMBT discussion seem to go. I'm not challenging your own varied opinions, but lets try to stick to the topic at hand and focus on the product as specified here, it's self. This is indeed for very constructive purposes and not fodder for the witch burners.
The problem is that plenty of this "other stuff" are legitimate obstacles to successfully creating and marketing such a product. Yeah, sure, let's engage in speculation about what we would like in a "Delphi Game Dev Version", then let's assume that we actually get it. Do you think all of these other issues are also magically going to go away?

Ultimately, the crux of the problem is that Embarcadero doesn't have the Borland community anymore. They simply are not interested in it. Even if you can get them to listen, there is a serious disconnect with how they perceive the Pascal developer community, and until that changes, we can wish and poll and pontificate until the cows come home, but it will all be in vain.

Maybe someone from Embarcadero can come address the issues.