Quote Originally Posted by Dan
The problem with keeping texture coordinates in every vertex
regardless of whether you use multitextureing or not is that
you waste a lot of memory :roll:
I agree, besides this represents a model very inefficiently. You see, if you want to skin your model, it's most likely that two faces that have 2 common vertices, although having the same coordinates may have different texture coordinates. This way, you have to duplicate vertices just so that you can store additional texture coordinates (so you have redundant vertex position, normal, etc.) However, I think this is the way Direct3D works...

P.S. In my software 3D engine made for this year's TMDC I use separate vertex, normal and texture coordinate lists (no redundancy), which not only saves some memory, but also increases performance (less transformations needed).

Quote Originally Posted by Dan
<sub>компонент уже выложен, но пока тестируется,
можешь посмотреть на dan.mirg.ru. Я разобрался со скелетной анимацией,
слышал у тебя с этим были проблемы . компонент на DX9</sub>
<sub>Спасибо, я через неделю проверю. А сейчас я поехал в отпуск Удачи...</sub>