Well unfortunately I had to sort of rush the section out the door to get it out on time for people to register. Some parts of the script still need to be completed, but everything will be ready by the time the first deadline comes around to scoring.

We have 2 judges so far. Dominique Louis and Dean Ellis will both be judging and the 3rd has yet to be announced. Judging will not take place until the end of the competition, until then e will be simply awarding points for achieving the goals set in the deadlines.

I'd also like to point out that both Dom and I wanted to encourage professional development with Pascal, and both agreed that with sending the top prize winner to the IGF was the best way we could have done it. The exposure to all the publishers and media would be incredible. And it would be the best chance of getting a publishing deal on your game and it's engine.

This hopes to be an exciting race for all involved. And I hope everyone at least enjoys the experience and the friendly competition.