I missed reporting this a week or so ago....

Key Objects Library and Mirror Classes Kit has been updated to v2.32. New in this release are...

[-]MCK: generating P-code for TKOLTrayIcon fixed (setting OnMouse event).
[-]MCK: some other P-code generating fixed, by homm (methods TControl.Setxxxx calls replaced with TControl_.Setxxxx).[*]KOL: working of methods TObj.RefInc, TObj.RefDec, TObj.Free, TObj.DoDestroy changed a bit. With symbol OLD_REFCOUNT the old code is still working.

Other news:
[*]package Collapse updated (fixed for Windows 9x and Athlon64 machine, prefixes E4-E7 no more used except symbol NT_ONLY defined for project and PCompiler).[*]package KOLOleRe updated, by homm.
[+]application ProjMover added, see in Tools.[*]application EmuZWin updated (it uses new Collapse).
