Thank you once again

No, there's no need for it, I understood what you said, and I think it is a great solution.
Now that I see you know a lot of this, jejej, I would like to ask you another simple question if you don't mind (i find so little help around).

Remember what I said in the first message? :
"for collision.. I check 2 or 3 points on each side of the sprite to see if it collides with any wall. If it does, I do not let it go any further".
I check right collisions when the sprite moves right (only in that case, not in other), the same with the left direction. I always check the down collision, and only check up collision when the sprite goes up (jumps)...

Is this ok? Should I have to check collisions in all directions always?

I thank you very much for your help, really.