Well, I tried Omega Beta 4 and I downloaded PowerDraw (Both 1.4 and last version). As I could see, Omega seems easier (also people around say so), but I want to ask not anybody but the author of PowerDraw (who better?). Is PowerDraw that hard to use?
The problem is that I have very little time and I can't spend so much of that time learning both Omega and PowerDraw. LifePower, I'd apreciate so much your answer. Compared to DelphiX, is PowerDraw hard to use? Does it work in a similar way as DelphiX.
I know quite well DelphiX, but it's so slow, and that's why I want to change to one of these great tools.
You are asking for what tool is easier to learn and use? But nobody can give correct answear until you specify what application / game you are targetting to develop with this components! Why DelphiX is slow for you? I'm not telling what DelphiX is speed daemon, but we need to know what is really slowing it down!

So, little questions:
What type of game you are developing - 2D / 3D?
When it's slow: loading, rendering, sound, AI, etc?
Minimum Windows version requirement?
Minimum hardware specs?
Maybe some other hits?