Yes... I finally got all goals done.

I dare to post my (nearly) entry here, and I am aware of outing all my ideas to all the competitors. But I know time is short and in the left 2 days I guess every competitor wants to polish his own entry instead of implementing things from others.

So all I want to know is if you find bugs which I can fix in the left time. I have some things on my ToDo-list and will do all I can to fix all issues I know, but I have family, the weather is fine and two childs want to be entertained at weekend. So I think this will be what I enter for stage 6. I surely will do some polish to leveldesign and maybe some minor changes here and there, but the game itself will stay the same.

I am proud of what I achieved alone in the last 3 months. And I hope everyone else is, too. This was my biggest challenge in game developement and 3 months of hard work are over now. My family suffered from my absence at night (especially my girlfriend :lol: ) and I am at the end of my rope. Sleeping only 4 hours a night is fun, you realize how long a day really is. But I really have to tell you, my real life suffered from this contest. So I don't know if I would do so hard work again "just for fun".

Ok, here we go. I just told you about my experiences because the upload was running and I was a little bored *lol*

But essentially this is what I think about the contest. I loved to be a part of it, I really enjoyed the hard work, I surely will try to take part in the follwoing competitions. But it really scrounged me.

I hope some people like what I have done for this contest:

This is about 20MB to download.

4 levels to play.

Cheers and the best wishes to all who submit stage 6 entrys! There are some "opponents" I really got a relationship to, like Traveler who was my "interlocutor" late at night. Hey, you really have to change your avatar! I already see this as a photo of yours!