Thank you all for the feedback! It's obvious now that I have some critical problems with Radeon:
- Loading time (creating display lists for animations) is ridicuously long.
- Volumetric fog somehow gets applied to upper rock parts.
- 2d controls problems --- sword should be with alpha-test, item slots' borders should be with blending. But on Radeon screenshots they all look as if they were drawn "just like that", covering things underneath.
- Switching task (Alt+Tab) craps graphics when switching back to game (although this is known to happen on older Windowses (98 and like) with crappy graphic drivers, it definitely should not happen on XP with latest ATI drivers).

Traveler's screenshot from geforce 6800gt also shows artifact when rendering life indicator --- it should be rendered with blending (like on Huehnerschaender screenshot), while on Traveler's screenshots it shows white background underneath.

There's also the problem with wrong mouse sensitivity, it seems that the mouse sensitivity values get assigned completely wrong. Sometimes it gets 9.0, sometimes it gets some ridiculous large value (though it's not MaxSingle). I understand now that this was also meant by Traveler in "Something else I noticed is that changed controls are not loaded properly again when restarting the game. I think you are converting values incorrectly.". This is very strange, because these values are actually changed only when reading them from config file, or setting them to default, or moving the slider in the menu. And converting is done using the plain StrToFloat / FloatToStr routines. And, needless to say, I don't experience these problems --- neither on Linux nor on Windows (XP and 2000 Prof). So they may indicate some memory corruption.

Sadly, none of these problems are reproduceable on my 2 computers at home... Fixing this will have to wait for tomorrow or Thursday, when I may be able to test on different machines, some of them hopefully with Radeon. Unless someone has time to actually debug and see what's going on. For starters, compile the game in debug mode (make DEBUG=t build-win32), FPC 2.0.2 is required, then you can add some Writelns to see what's going on. Or use gdb, or just Lazarus (I just added appropriate files into the source project to load the project from Lazarus IDE, this will be included in next release, if someone is interested in it now --- let me know).

Oh, and I just tested the game on Mesa (i.e. standard Linux software OpenGL implementation, no NVidia OpenGL) and the game runs correctly (it's awfully unacceptably slow, but runs . I was hoping to maybe reproduce some Radeon problems with Mesa, but I guess it's not that easy.

Quote Originally Posted by WILL
I also got some funky popup from the program about not being able to go to 800x600, but it would try to continue anyway...? Very odd.
The dialog box should say "Can't change display settings to 800x600. Will continue in windowed mode."

This is valid if your laptop screen cannot be resized to 800x600. When the game starts it tries to go to fullscreen 800x600, if that fails it runs in windowed mode. You can turn "Allow screen resize on startup" to "No" to disable this message on each startup. (I guess that I should automatically set this to "No" after it fails for the 1st time ? Done.).

Quote Originally Posted by WILL
I also noticed one of my programs 'Peer Guardian 2' complaining (22+ popups) about uncaught exceptions I thought THAT was interesting because I've never seen PG2 act that way ever. Maybe that'll give you some clues.
Uhm, I'm clueless ? You mean errors occur in 'Peer Guardian 2' ? This may mean that my game somehow drained your system's resources, which shouldn't happen since you have perfectly good CPU, RAM and graphic card... But seeing all the other problems occuring with Radeon, this *can* be a consequence of them...