Hi Eric,

Thanks for the feedback.

Quote Originally Posted by Eric
The combination of mouse-based character orientation and key-board based movement results in the character often walking backward (couldn't turn off mousetele as the console didn't seem to be active anymore, so I don't know if that's still the case with mousetele off).
The console is still active, its just the key has changed. ESC exits to the menu. The console is now activated with the ` key. I have since found that this could be a problem on some keyboards, so its likely to change again before the next deadline. This change was stated in the documentation.

As for the orientation, that is a feature. The player sprite looks to the mouse for targetting when firing, so when you run, if the mouse is behind, you'll run backwards. The mouse can also be used for movement, in which case the sprite will face forward when running.

Quote Originally Posted by Eric
Enemies take a lot of hits to take down, an "autofire while mouse down" might help. They also seem to have a problem following the player when the player goes downward (they stop to search), but no problem when he goes right, left, or upward.
The state machine that controls enemies isn't great, but they will 'see' you if you are standing/moving in the field of view which is approximately 180 deg. If they lose you, they will stop and perform a basic search (look around them)... in the finished game, its planned that they will do more (like perform patrols, sentry duty etc.).

Quote Originally Posted by Eric
When they overlap/touch/attack the player, the game slows down (desired?) noticeably, until the player sprite no longer overlaps.
Its not desired... its an after effect of the whole hud being redrawn when the players health changes (the basic enemies sap your health when they touch you)... this will be changing for the final deadline.

Unfortunately, we're in the middle of a rewrite... the engine thats been used for the deadlines until now just isn't up to the job, so I'm hoping to have Mark II finished for the final deadline. So far, its looking good.