Quote Originally Posted by Eric
After a few trials I've been able to "hook" the budge to the shard by standing right on top of it, however, more often than not, I wouldn't be able to "pull" the shard with it, like if it were stuck into the ground (when that happens, I found the only way to get the shard moving again was to repeatedly bump into it until it got "unstuck").
Try spacebar to lift objects off the ground, else land friction causes objects to stick.

Tried it, there is more screen estate, but the mouse isn't smooth still: when you move the mouse slowly f.i., the view will rotate in slow steps (one step each time the cursor would move by one pixel I guess).
The tutorial level has a quirk that in the first ten seconds the mouse is sticky.
The physics is overwhelming the engine until the tutorial castle settles.

I'm not sure if thats whats causing your problem tho!