Hi, my name's Kierren. I'm 19 and live in Australia, Queensland. I've been programming forever, the first language I started with would of been python.
I'm currently studying 2 Java programming courses, and next semester C, though I love Delphi(Kylix) and pascal. I do just about everything on a computer,
Programming: delphi,pascal,python,java,c,c++,asm.
Graphics: 2d paintshop, photoshop, flash - 3d lightwave, milkshape.
Websites: html,php,cgi,asp,javascript.
and just about everything else you can do with a computer.

When i'm not on a computer i'm mostly drawing, writing story scripts, playing with lego , and being an Australian - getting tanked :lol: .

My (main) current projects i'm working on are:
A hude flash animation, mostly in 3d.
A scripting engine for delphi.
A win32 compiler, with my own simple language. (in pascal)
and A multiplayer RPG (yes we've all been sucked into making an rpg at some point, I originally started it over 5 years ago in python, then remade in java, then c, and now it's been in delphi for 3 years, slowly adding to it bit by bit to create the perferct RPG ever mwhahaha. Well at least the main engine is 60% complete)
Well that's me...