Quote Originally Posted by technomage
Ok , the good news is I now have a FreeBSD image which has Free Pascal on it . And the compiled cgi app worked fine on my web server.

To asnwer my own question, I downloaded the freebsd units and placed those in my free pascal units directory under i386-freebad. then you can compile using fpc <project> -Tfreebsd.
See also www.stack.nl/~marcov/buildfaq.pdf for lots of background info.

Make sure you have installed linux->freebsd crossbinutiils (an mostly correct script for that in install/ directory of the "fpcbuild" svn module) make sure they are renamed i386-freebsd-as and i386-freebsd-ld and i386-freebsd-ar and compile with -XPi386-freebsd- -TFreeBSD to generate bins.

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To windows or to linux/freebsd without using shared libs is easiest. To linux/freebsd while using shared libs is harder.

To OS X requires more to set up, but is easier because there are fewer variants of the core libraries (about 3 in supported OS X versions 10.2-10.4)