
I apologize for so many threads at once, but problems never end

See DelphiX isnt all that bad, but it's transparency sucks. I create all the images for sprites in Toon Boom Studio 7.1. So when I finish and export my animations as bitmaps, I find that the outline of the spriteimage has more than one color for blending purposes. When I load any of these images into a standard TImage component with transparency enabled, the transparency is perfect. But with DelphiX, when I draw that same image on a DXDraw also with transparency enabled, it either makes the black color transparent after I specified that the transparent color is clGreen, or it doesnt make my image transpatent at all, or it does make the image transparent (with luck), but there are still green edges around a black character. Why is this? Is there any way of fixing this? Is UnDelphiX's transparency better?

Sorry if this question has been asked before...