Quote Originally Posted by FNX
You're dropping too much lately WILL (S33, GQ), something goes wrong or just lack of inspiration?
I'm not dropping Garland's Quest. In fact it's the one project I'm salvaging from all of these failed attempts.

It's all a part of my recent change in ethos. I'm taking the advice from the folks at Introversion; Content sucks! :lol:

Seriously, think about it. What do you end up spending most of your time on when designing your games? The bloody sprites, models, maps, music, sound clips, video clips, etc... it's all content. I'm not saying that you or I should try to make a game without any of it. --Well actually that'd be kinda cool. -- But try to drop that down, WAY down as much as you can.

Indie developers will always have the ultimate content problem. So don't hurt yourself by jumping right in when you can't create the content that you will need in the first place.

Now if you can create the required content, and there are those here that can, great! Go for it. But for those like me who's artistic skills are limited, it's not such an accessible medium.

Anyhow thats my take on all the recent project droppings. I figured better to release it to you guys than have it rot on a thumb drive somewhere never to be used.

If you or anyone else want to finish the game yourself, then by all means go for it. Just let me know and I'll send the code.

The reason for not posting it up is that I have spent a fair deal of time on the project and I'd rather know whats going on with it than just post it and not get a single bit of info back about it. C-C is a different animal. I didn't do much other than the concept art and story plot, which I'm still retaining as my own IP. S33 is open for the taking...